About MILSET Asia


Kuwait was chosen to be the headquarters of Milset Asia office, the representative of Milset in Asia which is the biggest of all continents and which has the largest population area and population.  Asia has a diversity of cultures, ethnic groups, origins and religions. Many Asian countries are high-tech and state- of –the- art ones.

Milset Asia Office is the first regional office for Milset to be established at continent level after Milset creation in 1987.

Milset Asia office includes a multitude of Asian countries which are represented in Milset Asia executive committee. Milset Asia office co-ordinates connections among Asian countries through conferences, and invitations to Educational and Scientific institutes to participate in the regional and international activities.

Asia had hosted the fifth Expo-Sciences International ESI in 1995 and the first Expo-Sciences Asia was organized in Kuwait in April, 2010.In addition to that, many events were organized and hosted at the regional level. Asian countries have always had abundant participation in the international events.

Mission and vision

The encouragement of extra-curricular scientific activities is a tendency that  goes back to many decades in many countries all over the world. The benefit from these activities, their decisive, comprehensive and extensive impacts in our societies are positive enough for enhancing international exchanges in diffrent fields.

From this international scientific approach and with the aim of  sitting basic foundation for an international gathering. collecting  all working organizations in the field of scientific and technological hobbies for the benefit of youth "the International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology" was established on July. 1987.

In its overall perpectives, the MILSET movement is centred on FOUR ESSENTIAL TOPICS which are the basic requirements for any new organization to join the movement:

  • Scientific and technological development
  • Scientific culture
  • Protection of Environmenet
  • Global developement

The main strategic objective

  • Promoting  principles and ethical norms to guide scientific and technological development;
  • Enhancing scientific, technical and human capacities to participate in the emerging knowledge societies;
  • Enhancing the linkages between culture and development, through capacity-building and sharing of knowledge;
  • Protecting cultural diversity and encouraging pluralism and dialogue between cultures and civilizations;
  • Promoting the free flow of ideas and universal access to information;
  • Promoting experimentation, innovation and the diffusion and sharing of information  and best practices of science as well as policy dialogue in education.


Dr. Abdullah Al-Mutawa - Kuwait

Dawood Al Ahmad - Kuwait

Ahmed Abbdullah Alshebil, Saudi Arabia

Amal Albuflasa - Bahrain

Ismail Yasein - Jordan 

Khalid Salim Alshaqsi - Oman

Maryam Al Thani - UAE  

Piyush Kumar - India

Sidum Boomerang - Thailand

Stephano Chang Ho. Oh - Korea

Ümit Karademir - Turkey  

Contact MILSET Asia

Got questions? Reach out to us at asia@milset.org