Journal on Science Engagement No. 6

Submitted on 2022/03/23

Letter From the Editor

Dear friends!


For over a year, circumstances have kept us apart, and we have not been able to meet in person. Regardless of this, we have managed to communicate online. The following is the latest edition of JOSE, the main informational publication of our organisation.

The main goal of the Journal is to popularise the MILSET activities among the participants and the public. The Journal covers important areas such as popularization of science in the world, main development tendencies, MILSET events, the MILSET history, and some interesting practices of science education.

While the borders are closed, it is especially important that we maintain the MILSET bond. We can rely on each other, continue discussing the same issues, and look for new ways of developing the scientific and technical creativity of young people.

Due to our confinement, meetings have become more accessible since we may avoid traveling, although nothing can replace personal communication and perception of nature and culture of other countries. Recently, many representative conferences have been held in different countries of the world, in which children have taken part. These are the online conferences and science fairs in Canada, Mexico, Indonesia, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey, among others.

Between 2020 and 2021, significant events have been organised such as the World Virtual YCC, and the MILSET Vostok Online Round Table "International STEAM programs for youth in the time of closed borders". In the latter, our friends from Chile, Indonesia, Kuwait, Mexico, Russia, Poland, Tunisia, and Turkey, presented their ideas, strategies, and technologies on how to organise International STEAM events in the new conditions we are experiencing due to the pandemic. The main content of the present edition includes materials from such representatives.


We also think that our mission has to do with providing readers scientifically reliable information. This is especially important nowadays, when the truth of facts is occasionally verified by the opinion of the majority, and semi-scientific facts are often disseminated in society.

We are grateful to Jean-Claude for reminding us about the past of MILSET, which set our movement tendencies towards the future. Time passes by and public opinion changes, but cooperation and interaction are eternal MILSET values, we must refer to them again and again.

Currently, developing technologies for distant communication, keeping participant’s attention during online events, and organizing online teamwork have become essential.


I encourage you to cooperate with our friendly editorial staff!

With respect,
Alexander Leontovich
MILSET Vostok President
