MILSET Latin America


The Latin America office of the International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology was born in Puebla, México during the 7th MILSET International Expo-Sciences ESI 1999. 

Every two years, since 2002 MILSET AMLAT has organised the MILSET Latinamerican Expo-Sciences - ESI AMLAT.



Organisers: CIENTEC

Lima, Perú

Type: Science Fair

Level: International

Audience: Youth

Fee: 500 USD

Language: Spanish, English, Portuguese

ExpoSciences Mexico 2024


Organisers: RED

Villahermosa, México

Type: Science Fair

Level: International

Audience: Youth

Ages: 3 - 25

Fee: 550 USD

Language: Spanish - English

MILSET AMLAT General Assembly 2024

Organisers: MILSET AMLAT

online - on site, Perú

Type: MILSET Expo-Sciences

Level: International

Audience: Adults


Joining MILSET is adhering to its charter; to a movement which is concerned about today's world, which participates in the local development of scientific and technical education in leisure time, which promotes international cooperation, sustainable development, citizenship and peace by practicing sciences and technology in a spirit of respect, understanding and solidarity within different geographic and spiritual communities.