Joining MILSET is adhering to its charter; to a movement which is concerned about today's world, which participates in the local development of scientific and technical education in leisure time, which promotes international cooperation, sustainable development, citizenship and peace by practicing sciences and technology in a spirit of respect, understanding and solidarity within different geographic and spiritual communities.
MILSET Asia Office is the first regional office for MILSET to be established in 1987. It represents one of the biggest continents with a diversity of cultures, ethnic groups, origins and religions.
Kuwait was chosen to be MILSET Asia's headquarters and together with many Asian countries are high-tech and state- of –the- art.
Indonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad 2024
Organisers: IYSA
Subrayaba, Indonesia
Type: Science Fair
Level: International
Audience: Youth
Fee: 70 - 650 USD
Language: English
Type: Science Fair
Level: International
Audience: Youth
Fee: 700 Euros
Language: English
MILSET Expo-Sciences Asia 2018 a success!